27 Project for 27 Years

Does not feel, I have grown old. Today, just days to 27 years age. Of course, not the young age. This On the anniversary-27. I want to make a thing on the internet, something I never do. And this is something that hopefully can be useful for me personally and my friends who are involved in the "27 Project for 27 Years".

27 Project for 27 Years
I call this project the "project 27". Was fun, can be inspired by free domain tk name. Late this afternoon, I immediately do it. Registration of Tk domain as many as 27 domain. I wish finished in one day, until it becomes a blog with a different theme. In accordance with the hobby and character of each domain. What can I say, constraints while the gmail account setup process. Mean heart, each domain is represented by a single gmail account. What can I say, it could not create a gmail account as I intended. Needs verification by HP. As for HP, only have one, if I have 27 HP, this will not be a problem.

Project 27 is really made 100% free. By using free hosting from blogger.com. Here are 27 free tk domain name that I call Project 27, all graduate and have a degree TK.,,he,,he,,he,,
  1. www.harisprayudi.tk
  2. www.rianpuspitasari.tk
  3. www.udie.tk
  4. www.baim.tk
  5. www.antonwijaya.tk
  6. www.putrasman.tk
  7. www.dedyfebrian.tk
  8. www.semeirin.tk
  9. www.lindasari.tk
  10. www.aidilisman.tk
  11. www.amikpetruci.tk
  12. www.aang.tk
  13. www.adriansyah.tk
  14. www.mediheriansyah.tk
  15. www.berryandriano.tk
  16. www.erlankomerta.tk
  17. www.etayusmita.tk
  18. www.fannikurniawan.tk
  19. www.fredy.tk
  20. www.fauzah.tk
  21. www.bobby.tk
  22. www.jumairiah.tk
  23. www.mantoel.tk
  24. www.yudhi.tk
  25. www.melqi.tk
  26. www.agungkuncoro.tk
  27. www.godsoon.tk

This 27 domain can still survive and there is going to take care, and who will fill his post. Therefore, the rules of TK Domain, every blog should be visited at least 25 people in a period of time / 3 months. If not, the domain will be automatically deleted. For a while, to my 27 domains with one hosting account from blogger. My hope, each domain will be able to use a personal gmail account. Depending on the domain, there not want does to take care of it.

Hopefully, these 27 project to be a beautiful moment and I will always a remember. And may be useful. At least, pass the blogging viruses for my friends. nge-blog is fun.

Special thanks to dot tk and blogger.

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