All the features of the new Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) v1.2 are supported in the new Windows 8 drivers and apart from that, it also supports Nvidia 3D Vision and 3DTV play products. This would make it possible for the Windows 8 users to play over 600 games, watch Blu-ray movies and see photos in 3D. Best platform for applications and games shall be provided with the 3D Vision in Windows 8’s new built-in stereoscopic 3D support in DirectX 11. Other hard drive manufacturers require some accessories before they are used in a computer. Such as video card, sound card, Device Imaging scanner, digital camera or webcam, Some External storage hardware, printers, modems, USB hardware: PSP, cell phones, PDAs, Bluetooth hardware and wireless network adapter.
The new drivers also contain same features and improvements for Diablo 3, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3 and Modern Warfare 3, which were implemented onto the GeForce 295.73 WHQL drivers. These include ambient Occlusion support deepening the shadows of great depth visually without nuking the frame rate and support for SLI setups running BioWare’s new Mass Effect 3. Additions to the SLI and 3D Vision profiles were also brought by the drivers. So that’s some news on Nvidias driver updates for Windows 8 consumer preview. If Windows 8, even at its consumer preview stage, is able to bring these many changes and serious efforts from every side, just imagine how well the real operating system shall be with the various embellishments and essentials for it. Anyway, let’s just wait and watch the magic that this new OS is going to do.
Drivers for Windows 8 is compatible with hardware that run Windows 7, but not vice versa. This means that the driver code specific to the version of the Windows operating system does not work properly in other versions. Vista requires drivers specifically provided under it There are a number of incidents and reporting tool used for Windows Vista to solve the problem of hardware used on other operating systems. This is normal and windows 8 laptop computers installed with Windows operating system Windows 7. Remember that you need to be careful when we use the latest version. Because if you do not install correctly, that the worst! Necessary to evaluate the real-life examples on the computer and find a compatible download driver for Windows 8.