Previously, Twitter had already provides Vine applications for gadget users with the iOS operating system. Surely Vine features for iOS more complete than the Vine for Android. Features such as support for the front camera and sharing to Facebook, not yet available in the first version Vine for Android.
Even though not as complete as in iOS, Android users can still record and make a video with a duration of 6 seconds easy. This video can be used as status updates on Twitter. Additionally, users gadgets or phones with Android OS can do a search and find a status that is a trend through the explore feature. To invite others, Vine on Android also provides the Find Friends feature.
According to the developer of this application, as time goes Vine will continue to be updated and its features will be added. It is possible this app Vine for Android will add different features of the Vine for the iOS version. Currently, Vine applications for Android is available in version 1.0.2 which is updated on June 6, 2013. File size of 18 MB.
To be able to use this application, used cell phones should be with the Android 4.0 operating system or latest versions. This Vine apps for Android can be downloaded now via Google Play page. Please download Vine for Android here. Install and