How to Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown

As we know, in Windows 7,  usage and memory settings related to the Page File. Each time is Windows run, Page File will a record or saving. The longer the path is recorded on the Page File will more. This obviously will slow the performance of Windows 7. therefore, we must remove the Page File manually and periodically. For example once a month. This manual is very boring course. There are tips that can be long in applying. These tips are virtually identical how to speed up Windows 7 Shutdown.

How to Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown
The first, open the "Registry Editor" in a way. Click the menu "Start", then type in the "Run" regedit, and press enter. Will open the window "Registry Editor". Signin to sub key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management. In right windows, double click, change the value data of "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" value "1". If the name "Value" is not yet available, please create new one by right click, "edit", "new", select "DWORD Value (32 bit)", fill in the name of "ClearPageFileAtShutdown". Then, the contents of the data value to "1". The final step, please restart or reboot computer. By doing way Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown, when the computer restart, Page File will be removed each computer Shutdown automatically.

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